Extensible custom types in Elm

· Allanderek's blog

#elm #syntax

There was a fairly long thread on the Elm discource regarding a proposal to add extensible custom (union) types to Elm. I thought I would try to summarise a little, the current status. In brief, I think currently the cons outweight the pros, but most of the cons are uncertainty rather than definite disadvantages so it is possible that some further work could tip the balance. I'll describe here very briefly what an extenible custom type is, and then the pros and cons, why I think the cons outweight the pros at present, and finally a path towards overturning that.

Extensible record types #

In Elm you can write a record type such as:

1type alias Point = { x : Int, y : Int }

But you can also write an extensible record type such as:

1type alias Point a = { a | x : Int, y : Int }

The first means that something of type Point has exactly two fields x: Int and y : Int, whilst the second states that a value must have at least those two fields, but may have more. You can later instantiate the missing fields:

1type alias Point3D = Point { z : Int }

Although you can use extensible record types in this way to model data, the standard advice is to use extensible record types to constrain function inputs. In addition extensible record types are used during type inference, for example a function (lacking a type signature) can be typed as accepting an extensible record type:

1showLink link =
2    Html.a
3        [ Attibutes.href link.url ]
4        [ Html.text link.content ]

Can be typed as: { a | url : String, content : String } -> Html msg which makes things a little easier when unifying the applications of the showLink function.

What are extensible custom types? #

Extensible custom types would allow you to do an analagous thing with custom types. However, note that the custom types currently introduce a new type, as opposed to record types which introduce a type alias. So exactly how this would work is debatable, however I'm going to go with what I think is the most natural, which is to make custom types similar to record types, so therefore an alias, and extensible:

1type alias Responses 
2    = Elm
3    | Typescript
4    | Purescript

Would be a normal custom type, but an extensible one would be written as:

1type alias Responses a
2    = a
3    | Elm
4    | Typescript
5    | Purescript

Now similarly a function can be typed as returning an extensible custom type:

1parseResponse input =
2    case input of
3        "Elm" -> Just Elm
4        "Typescript" -> Just Typescript
5        "Purescript" -> Just Purescript
6        _ -> Nothing

Can be typed as String -> Maybe (a | Elm | Typescript | Purescript). Quick thing to notice here; record type A is a subtype of record type B if A has all the fields that B has and possibly more. But custom type A is a subtype of custom type B if B has all the variants of A and possibly some more. To see why, it's okay for a function which accepts a record type B to accept record type A if A has at least all the fields that B has. But for custom types it's okay for a function which accepts custom type B, to accept a value of type A if A has at most the same variants as B. In particular consider the function:

1showConstrainedReponse response =
2    case response of
3        Elm -> "Elm"
4        Typescript -> "Typescript"
5        Purescript -> "Purescript

Cannot have type a | Elm | Typescript | Purescript -> String because if you pass a variant not in Elm | Typescript | Purescript the program would crash. However if I write the function as:

1showLiberalReponse response =
2    case response of
3        Elm -> "Elm"
4        Typescript -> "Typescript"
5        Purescript -> "Purescript
6        Other s -> s

I can, naturally, pass this function a value of type Elm | Typescript | Purescript | Other String but I could also pass it a value of type Elm | Typescript | Purescript since that is a subtype of the former. So in particular I could do the following:

2    |> parseResponse
3    |> Maybe.map showLiberalResponse

Because the type of showLiberalResponse is Elm | Typescript | Purescript | Other String -> String.

Use cases #

I find natural use-cases are a little hard to come by. In Elm, people often end up with a single large Msg message custom variant type. This leads to long update functions. If you want to break this up, one thing you can do is:

1type Msg
2    = MessageClass1 MessageClass1
3    | MessageClass2 MessageClass2
4    etc.

So you might do something like:

1type Msg
2    = SubscriptionMsg SubscriptionMsg
3    | LoginMsg LoginMsg
4    | ProfileMsg ProfileMsg
5    etc.

Then you can write your main update function as:

1update message model = 
2    case message of
3        SubscriptionMsg subMessage ->
4            updateSubscriptionMessage subMessage model
5        LoginMsg loginMessage ->
6            updateLoginMessage loginMessage model
7        ....

But because the Cmd returned has to be of type Msg you have to use Cmd.map on the result of each sub-function, or write each sub function as:

1updateSubscriptionMessage : SubscriptionMsg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg)

It tends to end up being the latter, because the sub-functions can return commands that produce messages outside of the domain of the sub-function.

This scheme would be a bit more elegant, with extensible custom variant types, but because this can be done without extensible custom variant types, it makes the case for them a little weaker.

Pros #

  1. Clearly there are situations that call for extensible custom types.
  2. I like the elegance of the symmetry between extensible record types and extensible custom types.
  3. There are probably good cases of being able to extend custom variant types that are defined in some third-party library that you cannot control.

Cons #

  1. Unlike extensible record types this would increase the complexity of type inference. Albeit because of the increased expressivity. Currently you cannot write a function that matches over a sub-set of a full custom type's variants. There are two large uncertainties here, one is how extensible custom types would affect the complexity (speed, space requirements) of the type inference argument and the second is how it might affect the quality of compiler error messages.
  2. Although you can think of use-cases, it's a little more difficult to think of use-cases that cannot be solved by structuring your types differently. Again that is possible but difficult.
  3. Any addition to the language comes with the possibility of introducing strange interplays that you didn't think about.

Conclusion #

So I think currently the cons outweight the pros. It's relatively easy to come up with simple examples where your code is a little nicer, but much more difficult to come up with examples where you have tangible benefits. Given Elm's focus on safety, and the common mantra to "Make impossible states impossible" I think some clear examples would show some code A that guarantees some property X that cannot be guaranteed given the current type system. That seems like a high bar, but if you cannot come up with such an example (or indeed several) then you're basically arguing that it should be included in the language because it's "nicer".

However, notice that the two major cons are mostly uncertainty. It only requires work to disprove either of them (if indeed they are false). If you want to see extensible custom types in Elm you have a route to this, it's just not terribly attractive:

  1. Fork the compiler and implement custom union types
  2. Benchmark the unforked and forked compilers' type-inference algorithm on at least the current tests within the compiler A lot of work was done in 0.19 to increase the compiler speed, and much of that was related to type inference, so I suspect there are a bunch of good test cases there.
  3. Use your forked compiler to author some compelling example use cases.