Structural Custom Types

· Allanderek's blog

#elm #gren #programming

There have been a few proposals for extensible custom types in Elm, the idea is that they are somewhat analogous to extensible record types. In this post I wish to give a proposal for how to make custom types 'extensible' that could play well with opaque types. The key point is that we need not focus on extensibility so much as the distinction between structural and nominal types.

The slightly longer summary is to say that we can make custom union types structural types. This means that custom union type declarations are actually type aliases, just as record type definitions are in Elm. Two record types can share the same field, and thus it is trivial to make two record types one of which is a sub-type of the other. Similarly if custom union types are structural, and their associated definitions type aliases, two such custom union types can share a constructor, and again it is trivial to create two custom union type definitions one of which is a sub-type of the other. With this apparatus we can implement opaque types by choosing to expose a type either nominally or structurally, this gives us opaque types in which the underlying type can be a primitive type, a function type, a record type or a custom union type.

Structural types #

Structural types refers to types in which the type checker looks at the structure of two types to determine whether they are compatible. For example we might say:

1type alias Email =
2    String
5emailLength : Email -> Int
6emailLength email =
7    String.length email

This works, because a type alias in Elm doesn't define a new type, it's just a way to refer to the original type. So the Elm type checker can see the structure of the type of the value email is String even though its type is given as Email. Because it can see the structure of this type, it knows that it is type-safe to pass email in as the first argument to String.length : String -> Int.

This works with record types as well, because those are also type aliases. What matters is the structure of the type, not the name that you have given to it. So we can do:

 1type alias Child =
 2    { name : String
 3    , age : Int
 4    }
 5type alias Parent =
 6    { name : String
 7    , age : Int
 8    }
10areTheyTheSame : Parent -> Child -> Bool
11areTheyTheSame parent child =
12    parent == child

Again this works, because although we have given different named types to the two arguments, they are structurally the same.

Nominal types #

In Elm, custom union types are nominal. Creating a custom union type essentially gives you constructors to create a new type with the given name. There is no other way to create that newly named type. Hence when we wish to check if a value of a given custom union type is compatible, we need only check the name of the type, not its structure.

In Elm you cannot do the following, because you would be defining two distinct constructors with the same name:

1type Handedness
2    = Left
3    | Right
5type Correctness
6    = Right
7    | Wrong

The problem here is that if you used the Right constructor, the type-checker would have to guess whether you meant to create a value of type Handedness or a value of type Correctness.

Making Custom types structural #

The key difference between record and custom types in Elm is that record types are structural, whereas custom types are nominal. Instead of a custom type declaration defining constructors, which are essentially functions from the constructor arguments to the nominal custom type, we can instead represent the return type of a constructor to be exactly the singleton custom type of the constructor used. This would mean we could then define multiple functions that could accept such a constructed value.

So, we can construct a value without defining a custom type. Here we need some extra syntax to refer to a custom union structural type. I'm going to use square brackets here, this is analogous to using curly brackets for record types. So just as a record type is written as { field-name : field-type (, field-name : field-type)* } we will write a structural custom type using [ constructor-name (type-argument)* (| constructor-name (type-argument)*)*] if you are comfortable with pseudo-parser syntax if not the general patterns are:

{ field-name1 : field-type1
, field-name2 : field-type2
, ...

[ constructor-name1 : constructor-type1a constructor-type1b ...
| constructor-name2 : constructor-type2a constructor-type2b ...

With that syntax we can define a value with a structural custom union type, the simplest being:

1value : [ Duck ]
2value =
3    Duck

Now we can define a function that accepts some set of constructors:

 1isDuck : [ Duck | Swan | Goose ] -> Bool
 2isDuck bird =
 3    case bird of
 4        Duck ->
 5            True
 6        Swan ->
 7            False
 8        Goose ->
 9            False
11isDuck Duck -- type checks fine.
12isDuck Chicken -- type error

If we prefer, we can give a type alias to the [ Duck | Swan | Goose ] type:

1type alias PondBird
2    [ Duck
3    | Swan
4    | Goose
5    ]

But this has the same effect as a type alias for a record type, namely that it is just a convenient way to refer to this type.

In the same way that you can constrain a polymorphic variant to a more restrictive type than would otherwise be inferred, you could do the same with structural custom union type:

1noIntegers : List Int 
2noIntegers =
3    []
5duck : PondBird
6duck =
7    Duck

Here, PondBird is more restrictive than [Duck] in the sense that you could pass that value into fewer functions. There are some functions that would accept a value of type [Duck] that would not accept a value of type PondBird, for example:

1isDuck : [ Duck | Swan ]
2isDuck bird =
3    case bird of
4        Duck -> 
5            True
6        Swan ->
7            False

Sub-typing with structural types #

An important difference between structural record types and structural custom union types is the way sub-typing works. A record type A is a sub-type of a record-typ B, if, for all fields in B, f : C there is a field in A, f : D such that D is a sub-type of C. What this means in practice is that a function that accepts type B is safe to accept type A, because all values of A have at least the same shape as B, perhaps more which is ignored by the function. A simple concrete example helps to make this a little less abstract:

1sayQuack : { a | quack : String } -> String
2sayQuack duck =
3    duck.quack
5sayQuack { quack = "ACK", age = 2, colour = Brown }

The value { quack = "ACK", age = 2, colour = Brown } has additional fields, but that's okay because sayQuack doesn't care what additional fields the argument has, only that it has the field quack : String. It's a slight quirk of Elm that you must explicitly declar the argument type of sayQuack as extensible, but that won't concern us in this post.

In contrast, a custom union type A is a sub-type of B, if for all constructors in A, C : D there is an equivalent one in B. Again a simple example helps.

 1speak : [ Dog | Cat | Budgie ] -> String
 2speak animal =
 3    case animal of
 4        Dog ->
 5            "woof"
 6        Cat ->
 7            "miaow"
 8        Budgie ->
 9            "tweet"
11getPet : Bool -> [ Dog | Cat ]
12getPet isDogLover =
13    case isDogLover of
14        True ->
15            Dog
16        False ->
17            Cat
19firstPet : [ Dog | Cat ]
20firstPet =
21    getPet True
23speak firstPet

The function speak is called with a value of type [ Dog | Cat ] which is a sub-type of [Dog | Cat | Budgie]. This is perfectly type-safe because the type checker knows each possibility will be handled correctly, but I could not call this with a value of type [ Dog | Cat | Mouse] or [ Dog | Cat | Budgie | Mouse] or even simply [ Mouse ]. Because the case of Mouse would not be handled by the function speak.

Exporting, Importing, and opaque types #

If we have both record and custom union types represented structurally what does this mean for opaque types? Currently in Elm a custom union type can be exposed using the (..) suffix to mean "and all the constructors are exposed". Exporting a type A with A(..) means that outside the defining module, a value of type A can be constructed or deconstructed/inpsected. Sometimes you want only the defining module to be able to create or inspect (ie. constructor or deconstruct/pattern match), in this way you can ensure some property/properties hold true of all values of A. For example you might define a value of type Email and then only allow the construction of such values via a function that checks whether the given string is indeed a valid email address. Once you do that you know all values of type Email do indeed contain a valid email address. This pattern is known as opaque types.

I would like to propose that we can expose a type nominally or structurally. If a type is exposed structurally then any code outside of that module can create or inspect a value of that type. In particular the type checker will 'know' the structure of that type outside of its defining module, and can type check code knowing the structure of that type. However, if a type is exposed nominally then it's not possible for code outside of that module to know the structure of that type at all. Therefore the only way to create or inspect a value of that type is via the module in which it is defined.

This means that we gain opaque types, not just for custom union types, but for record types and primitive types as well. For example, you could have a module:

 1module Email exposing (Email, create, format)
 3type alias Email = String
 5create : String -> Maybe Email
 6create s =
 7    -- This works inside this module, because inside this module, 
 8    -- the Email type is **structural**. 
 9    -- But you couldn't do this outide this module, 
10    -- because there the Email type is **nominal** 
11    -- and so the type-checker has no way of unifying the String type of 's' 
12    -- with the 'Email' in the return type.
13    -- Obviously we could do stronger validation
14    case String.contains "@" s of
15        True ->
16            Just s
17        False ->
18            Nothing
20format : Email -> String
21format email =
22    -- Similarly this works inside this module but not outside it.
23    s

Now the nice thing is that we could change the representation of Email, to be a record type:

 1module Email exposing (Email, create, format)
 3type alias Email = 
 4    { username : String
 5    , domain : String
 6    }
 8create : String -> Maybe Email
 9create s =
10    case String.split "@" s of
11        [ left, right ] ->
12            Just
13                { username = left
14                , domain = right
15                }
16        _ ->
17            Nothing
20format : Email -> String
21format email =
22    String.concat [ email.username, "@", email.domain ]

The great thing about this, in contrast with an Elm module, would be that outside of this module, a value of type Email could not be created or inspected, because outside this module the Email type is nominal. That is true whether the underyling type is a String or a record type, because we are choosing to export the nominally.

Finally we can do the same with a custom union type:

 1module Email exposing (Email, create, format)
 3type alias Email = 
 4    [ Email username domain ]
 6create : String -> Maybe Email
 7create s =
 8    case String.split "@" s of
 9        [ left, right ] ->
10            Just (Email username domain)
11        _ ->
12            Nothing
15format : Email -> String
16format email =
17    case email of
18        Email username domain ->
19        String.concat [ username, "@", domain ]

Again, because the Email type is exposed nominally, there is no way to create or inspect a value of type Email outside of this module.

We can represent exporting/importing nominally/structurally using the existing Elm syntax, or come up with new keywords or syntax, for example we could use:

1module Email (Email) -- means expose 'Email' nominally
2module Email (Email(..)) -- means exposing 'Email' structurally

Or we could simply use two new keywords

1module Email (Email nominally) -- means expose 'Email' nominally
2module Email (Email structurally) -- means exposing 'Email' structurally

Or a single new keyword with a default:

1module Email (Email) -- means expose 'Email' nominally
2module Email (Email structurally) -- means exposing 'Email' structurally

Many other possible syntaxes are available, this would be strong bike-shed material.

Is this enough for extensibility #

Note that we haven't defined any syntax for extending a custom union type. But just as structural record types can contain the same fields, so could structural custom union types contain the same constructors.

1type alias BusinessDay =
2    [ Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday ]
4type alias WeekDay =
5    [ Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday ]

Any function defined over Weekday would accept a value of type BusinessDay since BusinessDay is a sub-type of Weekday.

It isn't required, but we could of course imagine some kind of extension syntax:

2type alias BusinessDay =
3    [ Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday ]
5type alias WeekDay extends BusinessDay =
6    [ Saturday | Sunday ]

Catch-all patterns #

There is a slight issue with the catch-all pattern _ -> related to the way in which a case expression would be typed.

A case expression such as:

 1available day =
 2    case day of
 3        Monday ->
 4            True
 5        Tuesday ->
 6            True
 7        Wednesday ->
 8            True
 9        Thursday ->
10            True
11        Friday ->
12            True

Cannot have the inferred type of BusinessDay -> Bool, because those five constructors could be defined in multiple custom union types, and in any case custom union types would only be aliases. Instead this would type check as: [ Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday] -> Bool. You can of course give a type signature.

Now, what about if we used the catch-all pattern?

 1available day =
 2    case day of
 3        Monday ->
 4            True
 5        Tuesday ->
 6            True
 7        Wednesday ->
 8            True
 9        _ ->
10            False

Now we need some new type syntax to write down this type. This is something like: [ Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | a ] -> Bool where a here stands for "any other set of constructors that don't contain 'Monday', 'Tuesday', or 'Wednesday'". Note that we cannot write this as simply a -> Bool because the value must be a custom union type, and it won't accept a value of say Wednesday Int. Note though that here we can simply add a type signature to get the type that perhaps is really wanted:

 1available : BusinessDay -> Bool
 2available day =
 3    case day of
 4        Monday ->
 5            True
 6        Tuesday ->
 7            True
 8        Wednesday ->
 9            True
10        _ ->
11            False

This because BusinessDay is a synonym for [ Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday] and that is a more restrictive type than [ Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | a].

Exhaustive pattern testing #

Treating custom union types in this way means that we do not get exhaustive pattern testing. Because the case expression itself is always exhaustive for some custom union type.

Of course exhaustive pattern testing remains unaffected for primitive types, such as String and Int. So for example:

1available day =
2    case day of
3        Monday ->
4            True
5        Tuesday ->
6            True
7        Wednesday ->
8            True

Is a perfectly valid function. It has type [ Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday ] -> Bool. This is all fine, if we want to make sure that our function can accept any BusinessDay value, then we should add a type signature:

1available : BusinessDay -> Bool
2available day =
3    case day of
4        Monday ->
5            True
6        Tuesday ->
7            True
8        Wednesday ->
9            True

In which case we would not get a non-exhaustive pattern match failure per se, but we would get a type error stating that the type of the expression [ Monday | Tuesday | Wednesay ] -> Bool is not compatible with the signature type BusinessDay -> Bool. The error message could explain why.

Alternatively the signature could be omitted in which case it is a perfectly valid function, but we could get an error if we ever attempted to call this function with a value that might be of a Thursday or Friday constructed value. If we never do that, then there is nothing wrong.

Recursive Extensive Types #

This is perfectly enough for recursive extensive types. We can define a simple expression syntax for doing integer arithmetic. The Apply constructor takes the name of a function, such as sin or add and applies that to the list of argument expressions given.

1type Expr
2    = IntLiteral Int
3    | Apply String (List Expr)

Now we could define a slightly more complicated expression language to parse into:

1type ParseExpr
2    = IntLiteral Int
3    | Apply String (List ParseExpr)
4    | Binop ParseExpr String ParseExpr

Now we can defined a simplify function which converts a parsed expression into the simplier expression kind:

 1simplify : ParseExpr -> Expr
 2simplify parsed =
 3    case parsed of
 4        IntLiteral i ->
 5            IntLiteral i
 6        Apply name args ->
 7   simplify args
 8                |> Apply name
 9        Binop left name right ->
10            Apply name [ simplify left, simplify right ]

Side note, it would be possible but difficult for the type-checker to allow IntLiteral _ -> parsed here.

You could already do this with normal nominal custom types in Elm. You would have to give the two expression types different constructors which you could do either by giving them explicitly different names, or by defining each type in a different module. However with this approach you can define a function that operates over both expression types, such as:

 1usedFunctions : ParseExpr -> Set String
 2usedFunctions expr =
 3    case expr of
 4        IntLiteral _ ->
 5            Set.empty
 6        Apply name args ->
 7   usedFunctions args
 8                |> List.foldl Set.union Set.empty
 9                |> Set.insert name
10        Binop left name right ->
11            Set.singleton name
12                |> Set.union (usedFunctions left)
13                |> Set.union (usedFunction right)

Because Expr is a sub-type of ParseExpr you can call usedFunctions with a value of type Expr.

Possible drawbacks #

Same constructor in two types #

One could imagine defining two types as such:

1type alias Handedness =
2    [ Left | Right ]
3type alias Correctness =
4    [ Right | Wrong ]

This could lead to a situation in which you incorrectly passed a value that you intended to be of type Handedness into a function that expects a value of type Correctness. Note however, that although you intended the type to be of Handedness it would only pass type checking if it was really of type [Right].

The implications of this would need to be considered quite thoroughly.

Compilation #

At the moment custom union types can be compiled using integers to represent the tags, and the compilation can still happen locally. If you wish to use integers for tags, when a tag can be used in many different types (including the strutural argument types to functions), then there would have to be a whole program optimisation/transformation, which gives a unique integer to each tag.