Typed meta-programming

· Allanderek's blog

#Elm #maintenance #programming

This post is some vague, not-well-thought-out rambling on meta-programming in statically typed languages.

As I have said dynamically typed languages tend to have meta-programming already baked in. This is because changing the program itself, doesn't need to be re-type checked. However, the whole point of a statically typed language is that the program is type-checked before it is run. So you cannot then change the program at run-time because in that case the new program would not be typed. In theory of course you could allow this, but you would have to do one of three things:

  1. Separate the actual running of code, from the changing of the program, so that you can then type-check the resulting program before continuing.
  2. Give up on type-safety of dynamically changed code.
  3. Type the meta-programming code in such a way that it can only produce type-safe code.

The third one here would be great, but it is either impossible or results in a pretty limited meta-programming capability. I do not know that the second option has been tried, it does seem a little pointless, as in, if you're going to do that, why not just go for a full dynamically typed language. Which leaves the first option, which is both challenging and potentially expensive at run-time since you're going to have to run the type-checker.

However, the meta-programming does not have to take place at run-time. I wrote about type-classes being a limited-form of meta-programming, but more specifically they are limited form of compile-time meta-programming. There is no reason you cannot provide your own compile-time meta-programming facilities. You can simply write some code which takes as input a program in your language of choice and outputs another program, after some transformation, in the same language. For Elm we already have some tools that do this. For example elm-review can automatically fix some of the problems it detects in your code. For elm-review it is generally intended that the code-fixes keep the same behaviour but just fix some style/maintenance issue. However, you could use the same structure to simply create additional code, or change existing code. Here's a simple example. A simple enum in Elm is just a custom variant type in which each constructor has no parameters. When you have such a simple enum you often wish to enumerate all the variants, perhaps to display them all, or allow selection of one via an Html.select element. This is best shown with an example, suppose you have a type definining the 'roles' a user may have in your system:

1type Role
2    = User
3    | Admin
4    | SuperAdmin

Now suppose you wish to have a 'create/edit user' form, for the SuperAdmin user. This contains a drop-down selector for the role the user has, so for that, you ultimately want the full list of possible roles:

1allRoles : List Role
2allRoles =
3    [ User
4    , Admin
5    , SuperAdmin
6    ]

Now, what happens when you update the Role type? Suppose you add a new kind of role, an AdminLight role, that has some admin power but not all of them. A problem is that you may forget to update the allRoles value. One option is to write an elm-review rule that checks this. Another is to write code that actually generates the allRoles value, from the type definition.

This is a path I hope to explore a little. There are many questions, such as what language should you use to write the meta-program in? It doesn't have to be your target language. It could be dynamically typed, because the code that you produce will be type-checked by the statically typed language's type-checker before being run anyway. Perhaps the most challenging part is deciding how to instruct the meta-program to do the transformation.